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Swagger with Go walkthrough

Table of contents

Why Swagger?

When writing API docs, there are two approaches you can take:

  1. Write them in a markdown file, update that everytime something changes (see Monzo’s API docs).
  2. Auto-generate them directly from your code.

We’re going to take a look at one way of achieving option 2. Auto-generating docs enforces thorough documentation in the code itself, while making your API docs super maintainable by removing the risk of our docs getting out-of-sync with our backend.

Swagger is the most widely used open-source tool that let’s you do 2. After Swagger handles the auto-generation of API docs, you can pass that output to another tool to lay on some HTML and CSS to make it beautiful (tools include Swagger UI, Slate)

Choosing a library

There are two libraries available for using Swagger with Go:

Long story short, swag is simpler and go-swagger is more powerful and more widely used. You can read-up on some more discussion of what’s best here, here, and here.

We went for go-swagger, as we’d like as much flexibility with the API docs as possible and value the increased engagement with the project.

Let’s generate some docs for our new doggies API…

We’re going to walk through making a super-simple API and generating some docs with Swagger 💪

Our project is going to look like this:

├── api
│   └── api.go
├── docs
│   ├── docs.go
│   └── dog.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main
│   └── main.go
└── swagger.yaml

Doggies API: Setup the project

First, we’re going to create files needed for a super-simple Go server:

├── api
│   └── api.go
└── main
    └── main.go

We’ll be using the external library gorilla/mux to serve our API, so go ahead and install that with go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux. Then make sure we’ve initialised our go modules with go mod init.

New, we need an endpoint so we have something to generate.

Doggies API: Create an endpoint

Add the following to main.go and api.go respectively.

package main
import (
func main() {
	router := mux.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("/dog", api.CreateDog).Methods("POST")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":5000", router))
package api
import (
// Dog contains the properties of a dog.
type Dog struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Age          int    `json:"age"`
	HasWaggyTail bool   `json:"has_waggy_tail"`
// DogRequest contains the body of a Dog request.
type DogRequest struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Age          int    `json:"age"`
	HasWaggyTail bool   `json:"has_waggy_tail"`
// DogResponse returns a Dog object.
type DogResponse struct {
	Dog Dog `json:"dog"`
// CreateDog handles incoming dog creation requests
func CreateDog(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application-json")
	var newDog Dog
	fmt.Println("New dog!", newDog)

You should now be able to run go run main/main.go to start your server without any errors.

Great! Now we’re ready to start generating our docs.

Doggies API: Swagger setup

First, let’s create a docs package to store the comments and structs required by Swagger.

├── api
│   └── api.go
├── docs
│   └── docs.go
└── main
    └── main.go

We’ll also have to import it in main.go, so that the docs package is built by Go (without that import, there’d be no entry point for our docs package).

import (
   _ "github.com/DoggyAPI/docs"
func main() {
	router := mux.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("/dog", api.CreateDog).Methods("POST")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":5000", router))

Now let’s fill in our docs package.

We’re going to add the following to docs.go:

// Package classification Doggy.
// Documentation of our Doggy API.
//     Schemes: http
//     BasePath: /
//     Version: 1.0.0
//     Host: pawsome.com
//     Consumes:
//     - application/json
//     Produces:
//     - application/json
//     Security:
//     - basic
//    SecurityDefinitions:
//    basic:
//      type: basic
// swagger:meta
package docs

Notice how it’s all comments except for the package name on the last line. This is intentional. Swagger will interpret these comments as metadata for our API. You can read more about it in Swagger’s own docs.

The main thing we’ve defined here is the name of our service, after Package classification, and then a description of our service right after that.

Now, we’ll document our dogs endpoint by adding a new file in our docs package, dogs.go.

├── api
│   └── api.go
├── docs
│   └── docs.go
|   └── dogs.go
└── main
    └── main.go

Here’s how we’ll do it:

package docs
import "github.com/DoggyAPI/api"
// swagger:route POST /dog dog-tag idDog
// Dog creates a new dog.
// responses:
//   200: dogSuccessResponse
// swagger:parameters idDog
type dogParamsWrapper struct {
	// Dog creates a new dog.
	// in:body
	Body api.DogRequest
// Successful dog created response.
// swagger:response dogSuccessResponse
type dogResponseWrapper struct {
	// in:body
	Body api.DogResponse

There’s a few things to note here:

  • The part following swagger:route defines the properties of our endpoint. It’s a POST request at /dog. It has a dog-tag, which is used to group similar endpoints together in our docs. And it has an idDog, which corresponds to the id above dogParamsWrapper a few lines below.
  • We then have a description “Dog creates a new dog.”, and a list of responses, each with an id, in this case only dogSuccessResponse, which corresponds to the id above dogResponseWrapper.
  • The // Dog creates a new dog. text will appear as the description of our request body
  • In the two types below, we use // in:body to point to the structs in our api package that make up the request and response parameters.

We’re set! Let’s generate those docs ✨

Generate our docs

First, we’ll have to download the swagger command, which let’s us generate and play with our new docs:

go get -u github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/cmd/swagger

Generate and serve our yaml file

Run the first command to generate the swagger.yaml file that will be the source of truth for our docs and the second command serve our docs locally💥

swagger generate spec -o ./swagger.yaml --scan-models
swagger serve -F=swagger swagger.yaml

You’ll never need to touch the swagger.yaml file. Instead, you can regenerate it by updating the comments in docs.go and the comments around your API endpoints before running swagger generate once more.

You should have something that looks like this:

blog post


We’re done! Enjoy your shiny new API docs 👋

Why Swagger?

When writing API docs, there are two approaches you can take:

  1. Write them in a markdown file, update that everytime something changes (see Monzo’s API docs).
  2. Auto-generate them directly from your code.

We’re going to take a look at one way of achieving option 2. Auto-generating docs enforces thorough documentation in the code itself, while making your API docs super maintainable by removing the risk of our docs getting out-of-sync with our backend.

Swagger is the most widely used open-source tool that let’s you do 2. After Swagger handles the auto-generation of API docs, you can pass that output to another tool to lay on some HTML and CSS to make it beautiful (tools include Swagger UI, Slate)

Choosing a library

There are two libraries available for using Swagger with Go:

Long story short, swag is simpler and go-swagger is more powerful and more widely used. You can read-up on some more discussion of what’s best here, here, and here.

We went for go-swagger, as we’d like as much flexibility with the API docs as possible and value the increased engagement with the project.

Let’s generate some docs for our new doggies API…

We’re going to walk through making a super-simple API and generating some docs with Swagger 💪

Our project is going to look like this:

├── api
│   └── api.go
├── docs
│   ├── docs.go
│   └── dog.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main
│   └── main.go
└── swagger.yaml

Doggies API: Setup the project

First, we’re going to create files needed for a super-simple Go server:

├── api
│   └── api.go
└── main
    └── main.go

We’ll be using the external library gorilla/mux to serve our API, so go ahead and install that with go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux. Then make sure we’ve initialised our go modules with go mod init.

New, we need an endpoint so we have something to generate.

Doggies API: Create an endpoint

Add the following to main.go and api.go respectively.

package main
import (
func main() {
	router := mux.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("/dog", api.CreateDog).Methods("POST")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":5000", router))
package api
import (
// Dog contains the properties of a dog.
type Dog struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Age          int    `json:"age"`
	HasWaggyTail bool   `json:"has_waggy_tail"`
// DogRequest contains the body of a Dog request.
type DogRequest struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Age          int    `json:"age"`
	HasWaggyTail bool   `json:"has_waggy_tail"`
// DogResponse returns a Dog object.
type DogResponse struct {
	Dog Dog `json:"dog"`
// CreateDog handles incoming dog creation requests
func CreateDog(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application-json")
	var newDog Dog
	fmt.Println("New dog!", newDog)

You should now be able to run go run main/main.go to start your server without any errors.

Great! Now we’re ready to start generating our docs.

Doggies API: Swagger setup

First, let’s create a docs package to store the comments and structs required by Swagger.

├── api
│   └── api.go
├── docs
│   └── docs.go
└── main
    └── main.go

We’ll also have to import it in main.go, so that the docs package is built by Go (without that import, there’d be no entry point for our docs package).

import (
   _ "github.com/DoggyAPI/docs"
func main() {
	router := mux.NewRouter()
	router.HandleFunc("/dog", api.CreateDog).Methods("POST")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":5000", router))

Now let’s fill in our docs package.

We’re going to add the following to docs.go:

// Package classification Doggy.
// Documentation of our Doggy API.
//     Schemes: http
//     BasePath: /
//     Version: 1.0.0
//     Host: pawsome.com
//     Consumes:
//     - application/json
//     Produces:
//     - application/json
//     Security:
//     - basic
//    SecurityDefinitions:
//    basic:
//      type: basic
// swagger:meta
package docs

Notice how it’s all comments except for the package name on the last line. This is intentional. Swagger will interpret these comments as metadata for our API. You can read more about it in Swagger’s own docs.

The main thing we’ve defined here is the name of our service, after Package classification, and then a description of our service right after that.

Now, we’ll document our dogs endpoint by adding a new file in our docs package, dogs.go.

├── api
│   └── api.go
├── docs
│   └── docs.go
|   └── dogs.go
└── main
    └── main.go

Here’s how we’ll do it:

package docs
import "github.com/DoggyAPI/api"
// swagger:route POST /dog dog-tag idDog
// Dog creates a new dog.
// responses:
//   200: dogSuccessResponse
// swagger:parameters idDog
type dogParamsWrapper struct {
	// Dog creates a new dog.
	// in:body
	Body api.DogRequest
// Successful dog created response.
// swagger:response dogSuccessResponse
type dogResponseWrapper struct {
	// in:body
	Body api.DogResponse

There’s a few things to note here:

  • The part following swagger:route defines the properties of our endpoint. It’s a POST request at /dog. It has a dog-tag, which is used to group similar endpoints together in our docs. And it has an idDog, which corresponds to the id above dogParamsWrapper a few lines below.
  • We then have a description “Dog creates a new dog.”, and a list of responses, each with an id, in this case only dogSuccessResponse, which corresponds to the id above dogResponseWrapper.
  • The // Dog creates a new dog. text will appear as the description of our request body
  • In the two types below, we use // in:body to point to the structs in our api package that make up the request and response parameters.

We’re set! Let’s generate those docs ✨

Generate our docs

First, we’ll have to download the swagger command, which let’s us generate and play with our new docs:

go get -u github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/cmd/swagger

Generate and serve our yaml file

Run the first command to generate the swagger.yaml file that will be the source of truth for our docs and the second command serve our docs locally💥

swagger generate spec -o ./swagger.yaml --scan-models
swagger serve -F=swagger swagger.yaml

You’ll never need to touch the swagger.yaml file. Instead, you can regenerate it by updating the comments in docs.go and the comments around your API endpoints before running swagger generate once more.

You should have something that looks like this:

blog post


We’re done! Enjoy your shiny new API docs 👋

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